Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 21, 2007
I Heart the Etsy Guy
The Maker Faire was great — over-stimulating — but, great. Bethany, Sonya, and I spent most of our time socializing with as many crafty/fashion folk as we could find, like: Nancy, Claire, Susan, Tricia, Moxie, Brookelynn, and Missy; while Blaize took my older boy around to check out all the fun kid stuff. Beth and I got books signed by Lotta. We also said hi to the Etsy folk who were real nice and crush-worthy. I think this is a sign that I should finally open an Etsy shop. For starters I've got a bunch of extra kanzashi hair pins from back in my craft fair days. Then, there are the lampshades. I've never told you about the lampshades, have I? Anyway, it might help twofold: by cleaning out some of the craft area, and enabling my current affair with fabric. What do you think?
Labels: craft fairs, etsy, maker faire