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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Crafts of Yore: Knitted Hats

I don't really knit much these days, because poke-y sticks are just too attractive to the littles. But, I used to knit, for a short time — made some hats, some dolls, a blanket. Ravelry inspired me to take these pics of past projects, and it's also tempting me to knit again. I kinda, sorta want to make a sweater for myself. [Insert nervous nail biting here.] I'm thinking about the Sophisticated Rustic Jacket over at Interweave's Knitting Daily. Has anyone made it? Suggestions on another sweater type garment that would flatter a big breasted, big waisted gal like me?

The beehive hat is from Stitch 'N Bitch Nation. The stripe-y hat is Tychus from Knitty. And, the baby bonnet is from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. I added the fuzzy crochet border. The weird baby head is a leftover Bedfellow head that now gets used as a ball. I left the yarn string on it and the kids love to chuck it. The eyes and nose were done in Photoshop. Sorry, I don't remember too much about yarns and needle sizes.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Hanging With My Gnomies

I stole that pun from Angharad. This is the easiest craft of all time. I used what I had (old, musty acrylic felt yardage), measured my son's head, and cut out a rough triangle — a quick stitch on the machine and we had a gnome hat, as requested, in green. Who knew that the whole family would want them?

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Crocheted Cake Hat

Crocheted Cake Hat
Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.
This was the pattern that I learned to crochet hats from--originally, though, it wasn't a cake hat. When I added the fuzzy blue yarn it changed the drape of the hat, it made a 90 degree angle, which created a top and sides. The fuzzy yarn made me think of frosting, so I went for it. I added a popcorn flower to the top to hold the felt candle. The candle is just stuck into the center of the flower, so you can remove it for a less conspicuous look. This one went to our friend Noé for his third birthday. Happy Birthday Noé!!!

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