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Friday, May 30, 2008

Visual Palate Cleanser

Because I can't stand a post without a photo.

This is a little package I bought from ScissorsPaperGlue on Etsy. There's one left. Go get it.

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

In the shop: Miniature Dog Paintings

Miniature Dog Paintings
These little guys are miniature (2 x 3 inches) acrylic paintings that I did a couple years ago. They spent one holiday season as decorations on our feed store's Christmas tree. Other than that they've been in storage waiting for their forever-home. You can find them over here.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

In The Shop Today


****************We're Live!!!****************

We're on schedule for simultaneous Etsy shop updates at noon today (Pacific Standard Time):

Green Kitchen (Kanzashi hair clips)


Bitter Betty (Utili-Obis and more)

I'll be adding more to my shop later in the week.

Now off to bed. zzzzzzzzzzzzz


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Utili-Obis and Kanzashi: An Etsy Collaboration

Because Bitter Betty and I suffer from Craft Attention Deficit Disorder, and because I have a pathological aversion to posting packages, we decided it might be fun to try to list some things for sale at the same time. That way we might look cohesive, or, at least thematic, hopefully enticing. And, she'll be in charge of shipping, so all is well in that department. We'll each be posting our items (her Utili-Obis, my kanzashi) to our own Etsy shops at noon (Pacific Standard Time) on Monday, November 26th.

This will be the official grand opening for the Green Kitchen shop. Oh, my! There are more photos to preview over at Flickr.

P.S. I forgot to mention that I lifted the layout design from FAK! via Bits and Bobbins. How cool is the street fashion over there at the Ukrainian-based FAK! Fantastic!

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Monday, May 21, 2007

I Heart the Etsy Guy

Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.

Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.
The Maker Faire was great — over-stimulating — but, great. Bethany, Sonya, and I spent most of our time socializing with as many crafty/fashion folk as we could find, like: Nancy, Claire, Susan, Tricia, Moxie, Brookelynn, and Missy; while Blaize took my older boy around to check out all the fun kid stuff. Beth and I got books signed by Lotta. We also said hi to the Etsy folk who were real nice and crush-worthy. I think this is a sign that I should finally open an Etsy shop. For starters I've got a bunch of extra kanzashi hair pins from back in my craft fair days. Then, there are the lampshades. I've never told you about the lampshades, have I? Anyway, it might help twofold: by cleaning out some of the craft area, and enabling my current affair with fabric. What do you think?

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