Every kid needs a kid, especially a bottle-fed one in the house.

I'm starting to feel like I'm living the movie
Babe, except there's a vacant mobile home cropped out of my frame.

Add sheep midwife to my resume.

The lamb was accepted by the mama after I brought her back up the hill. She'd rolled down a few tumbles right after being born, still in the amniotic sac. That's her twin brother in the foreground.
We've acquired twenty eight animals in three weeks! I know what you're thinking, "Rookies." Well, I wouldn't say we were totally
Green Acres — I mean, we do own a feed store, which makes us a little less green don't you think? I bet you didn't know that little tidbit.
Here are the recent additions:
6 Ewes (two pregnant)
7 Lambs
4 Lambs born at our house
9 Laying hens
1 Rooster
1 Bottle-fed goat named Spiffy-Lu
Things are Spiffy at the Ranch.
Labels: the ranch