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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Quilt Market Report (Day 1): Blurry, Happy People

Quilt Market — what a whirlwind! I laughed, I cried, I talked about fabric for three days straight.

Let me introduce you to some of the cast of characters:

Kim from True Up
Kim and I quickly hooked up and palled around almost the entire time. It was so nice to have someone to kick around with while my other gal pals were tied their work. I got to listen in on her interviews with designers and fabric companies about their new lines. We drank overpriced smoothies and ate something they claimed was pizza. We marveled at the lack of vegetarian offerings in the salad section. I'd say we were muy simpático.

Pam from Pam Kitty Morning
Pam and I live close enough to visit on a regular basis, but have never met. It took Quilt Market to get us together, but I'm sure we'll be talking about cats over coffee in the near future. Pam and I were fast friends. She's a generous and invaluable source of trade information from the quilter/quilt store perspective. Need some Celebrity Stunt Sewing? Pam's your gal. Here's Pam with Anna Maria Horner.

Melissa Averinos from Yummy Goods
Melissa was one of the first bloggers that I got to meet up with. Not only is Melissa a part of the blog world, she also just debuted her first fabric line with FreeSpirit/Westminster. We saw a lot of each other because the Westminster row was a great place to be with Kaffe Fassett, Heather Ross, Amy Butler, Heather Bailey, Jay McCarroll, Tina Givens and other wonderful designers.

Kaffe Fassett
What's to say? He's a legend. He's the king of color. He's the ultimate fiber artist.

Kathy Miller of Michael Miller Fabrics
What an interesting woman! — and, very generous with her time. I loved hearing her talk about the fabric business. In a world that was/is slow to accept fabric online, Kathy is an early adapter and has boosted her blog by having veteran craft blogger, Joanna, from Stardust Shoes, as a guest blogger. She's a stickler for quality and described her process of getting the best and most consistent black inks. Her new Flower Fairies line is sweetly nostalgic with great reproduction quality. And, don't forget Michael Miller is also one of the first companies with an organic line.

Nicole & Phillip of Alexander Henry
If I was in search of a new BFF, Nicole from Alexander Henry would be at the top of the list. I didn't know we were talking with one of the owner/designers when Kim and I approached their booth. We started off with talking about our no-waist having selves, moved on to toddlers in the workplace, and finished with her description of their company's "analog" style of design. All of their work is hand painted in watercolor or inks. It was a refreshing combination of traditional quality with hipster sophistication. Nicole and her brother Phillip, who was by far the best dressed man at market, have taken over their father's company and are doing great things with it. Their company is refreshingly individualistic — no design-by-committee there.

Amy Butler & gang.
My first day at Quilt Market ended with cocktails at Four Seasons with Amy Butler, Heather Ross, Liesl from Oliver & S, Kim from True Up, Brooke from inchmark (graphic designer for Heather and Liesl, as well as former senior art director for Martha Stewart Kids and MSL — geesh!), and Melanie Falick and Mary Wowk from HNA/Stewart, Tabori, Chang/STC Craft: Melanie Falick Books. I drank a long, tall Texan beer and got to be in the company of intelligent, talented, and powerful women.

All of this because Heather let me tag along. Thank you, so much, H.

Stay tuned for Quilt Market, Days 2 & 3.

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Blogger PamKittyMorning said...

AHHHH it was an amazing time wasn't it! It was so wonderful to meet up in real life, I feel like old friends already. Can't wait for a get together soon!

Wed Oct 29, 12:58:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Cele said...

Gosh I'm so envious. What a brilliant time you must have had to meet all those amazing crafty people. Can't wait to see and here more.

Wed Oct 29, 01:48:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Helen said...

OMG I am sooo velly jellis!

Wed Oct 29, 04:20:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jessica said...

That looks like unending amounts of fun! I can't wait to see what else you were up to at the Quilt Market!

Wed Oct 29, 05:58:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great report! I feel the excitement. Please, can you tell me where those exotic and beautiful fabrics in the Kaffe Fassett photo come from? Are they of his own design? He's truly amazing. So happy to see him featured on your blog.

Sally in Oregon

Wed Oct 29, 10:20:00 PM PDT  
OpenID twolimeleaves said...

Holy Guacamole, M! You're a ROCK STAR!! Can I be your groupie?!

Glad you had such a fabulous time and only the teensiest bit JEALOUS!!!

Thu Oct 30, 12:02:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Lisa "Oceandreamer" S. said...

I absolutely love the way you describe the people, the fabrics etc. It's from a perspective that is easy to relate to from a non-designer point of view. How wonderful to meet up with other bloggers as well as meet and mingle (and hear the process)with designers themselves. Those who were able to get in and fulfill a dream.
I'm still dreaming. Have you heard of Spoonflower by the way?

Thu Oct 30, 08:48:00 AM PDT  
Blogger mimi k said...

wow! Lucky, lucky you- it sounds like so much fun!

Thu Oct 30, 10:09:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Melissa! said...

What an incredible weekend! Lucky gal you!

Thu Oct 30, 11:42:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Nancy Dag2 said...

Thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds like it was an amazing time. Can't wait to hear more.

Thu Oct 30, 03:03:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Knitsonya said...

You're and insider now!

Thu Oct 30, 04:06:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Regina said...

looks soooo grand!

Sat Nov 01, 11:59:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Liesl said...

It was great to meet you!

Fri Nov 14, 06:15:00 PM PST  

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