Owl Tea Cozy

Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.

Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.
I do think, however, that this little owl guy has value as inspiration for patchwork technique. I like the way the wings are made with a variety of unhemmed loosely woven fabrics. They are a sewn stack, much like a shingled roof. It's a no-measure, no-fuss, no-straight-lines-necessary kind of patchwork. It was so fun to do, that I think I'll do more — maybe make a stuffed animal or two out of fringe — perhaps with some inspiration from Abby. Her nest series is so damn good.
Does anyone even say stuffed animal anymore?
Apparently "stuffed animal" has taxidermical connotations or something. I'm always at a loss... "plushie"? My stuff's not always made from a plush fabric. "Softie"? Sometimes they have joints. I just say "critter" half the time, and let my readers cope.
i love your owl! the wings are a lovely use of exactly that variety of fabric's particular characteristics.
i wonder about the terminology too- i did not play with dolls as a child, only stuffed animals (not the taxidermy kind)and that is what i always called them. i guess I'd call them "softies" or something now, but in my head they're still stuffed animals.
if i buy it at a store, it's a stuffed animal.
and i love your owl. so stinkin' cute!
Beau won't stop looking at me. HE'S LOOKING AT ME.
And he's darling.
I say stuffed animal or plush, but I'm not exactly an expert. Thi sis really, really wonderful.
I like "stuffie" because of my first Japanese Craft book, Palm Sized Stuffies. Also, what if your stuffie isn't an animal? "Stuffed Animal" makes me think of a 14-year-old Midwestern cheerleader. "Stuffie" makes me think of a 35-year-old woman wishing she was a 12-year-old Japanese girl. I'm not sure which is better.
I'm incredulous #2 that they didn't pick this project. I can't imagine what super-duper patchwork projects beat yours. For crying out loud.
I'm a sucker for owls ... and this one is cute cute cute. :)
lol, futuregirl.
"Stuffed Amimal" has too many syllables.
Love owl's wings.
Love the shingle wings. What a cool cozy!
Even though he's not your favorite, he's adorable!
I don't know the definition of patchwork the editors were working with, but I really like the tea cozy, no matter what the technique is called, and probably BECAUSE it looks like Beau Bridges.
I ONLY say stuffed animal or stuffed toy. Or, potentially, stuffed creature. The word "stuffie" bothers me, for one because it is a brand of nappies (diapers). And "plushie" has bad connotations. Don't ask; just Google it. To me, "softie" is a bit too Charmin-esque. Or it reminds me of the demonic Snuggle bear. Maybe I just don't like "ie" on the end of things. Hmmm.
I'm a big fan of "stuffed toys." And as for taxidermy connotations of "stuffed animal," surely that can be determined from context?
I love the owl fabric on the owl - echoic self(owl)representation. And those editors - bah!
Try, try as I might, I can't see Beau Bridges in that owl.
They are 'stuffed animals'. Except for a brief period in my daughters when everything was a Beanie Baby, because, god help us, they were.
I guess it could be a problem if you grew up in a family where stuffed animals were a part of the decor.
You've been busy!
That might be the greatest cozy I have ever seen-Iam sad too that it won't be in a book with how too's.
I don't know what qualifies as patchwork...I always thought it was anything pieced. Anyway, the pillow you made is perfect. I think that it is a great original idea that would be great in a book.
I have half a mind to give those editors a what for!!!
I'm old, they will always be known as stuffed animals to me....
Blaize's and futuregirl's comments cracked me up - I'm personally not partial to things ending in -ie either, even though I am the poster child for the 35+-year-old woman whose alter-ego is a 12-year-old Japanese girl.
And I love your owl.
Now there's a tea cozy I could get used to. It's adorable, even if it didn't make the cut.
I've been thinking about tea cozies lately. Do I need one? Do lots of people need them? I've had requests for them in my store.
If I do need one, I think yours is wonderful because it is cute without being expected. I see the Beau in him. It's in the brows.
Like Futuregirl, I can't see how this too got passed over.
this owl tea cosy is absolutely awesome,i so want it,the editors are talking through their arse,this is patchwork so what is different good on ya.
what is the matter with that editor... that owl is great and speaking on behalf of owl lovers ... i would love to make thta little bloke... or bird.... what ever.. happy day margie
Love it.
I still say stuffed animals.
Love your tea cozy. I love how your fabric on the wings mimics the owls feathers in real life.
I like your owl :)
I love patchwork, and I love your owl, too. Very kind !
I LOVE this!
I love your owl. Any chance of a pattern for it?
This is darling!
-Lisa :)
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