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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Chicken Pincushion Revealed

chicken pincushion
Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.
I never did post a photo revealing my chicken pincushion that was part of the chicken swap with Plump Pudding. Here it is! One of the side benefits to this whole blogging thing is the cataloging of one's craft oeuvre as it were (using those two words together makes me smile, reminds me of Sarah Vowell). On a side note, it's interesting how frequently my site gets found by googling "chicken pincushion."


Blogger Veronica TM said...

The pincushion and the pins are beautiful!

Tue Jul 11, 12:02:00 PM PDT  
Blogger creative kismet said...

very pretty!!!!

Tue Jul 11, 12:34:00 PM PDT  
Blogger sue b said...

Love it ! Nicely done.

Tue Jul 11, 01:07:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous kristin said...

it's absolutely lovely!! all embroidered? or could it be some beautiful ribbon stitched around it?

Tue Jul 11, 01:32:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Green Kitchen said...

Thank you everyone. Kristin: it's a ribbon, thankfully.

Tue Jul 11, 01:39:00 PM PDT  
Blogger capello said...

So pretty!

Tue Jul 11, 02:03:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous victoria said...

I am new to your blog and love it! I will definitely be back and peruse your older posts too! I do have a question: How do you put your cool watermark on your photos? I've never figured out how to do that in Photoshop...

Tue Jul 11, 02:44:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous abbyjane said...

Such a pretty photo and such a nice pincushion. I love pretty sewing notions. I am also wondering about the watermark on the photo - any tips?

Tue Jul 11, 03:34:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Laurie said...

I love it and those pins are so incredibly cute!

Tue Jul 11, 04:40:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Kate said...

That is gorgeous! Love the colours and the perfect embroidery. Very cute pins too.

Tue Jul 11, 05:19:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous mangetsu said...

This is beautiful!

Tue Jul 11, 05:37:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Fiona said...

I love it too! The little chicken pin is just perfect!

Tue Jul 11, 05:38:00 PM PDT  
Blogger stephanie s said...

i keep meaning to ask about the watermark too... and i just had to go to flickr to get a really big view to see just how you embroidered the flowers... see, if it was me, i would lie and say 'hell yeah, i embroidered them'...
{this could be a duplicate post, feel free to laugh twice....}

Tue Jul 11, 05:51:00 PM PDT  
Blogger h&b said...

That is just adorable.
I would never use it .. merely keep it to gaze upon and enjoy.

Can I have it ? :)

Wed Jul 12, 12:58:00 AM PDT  
Blogger mrspilkington said...

my goodness, that's gorgeous!

Wed Jul 12, 06:11:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Geninne said...

This is the most beautiful pincushion I have EVER seen. I LOVE everything about it, the color the embroidery, the pins...EVERYTHING!!! WOW!

Wed Jul 12, 09:43:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Rose said...

Wow! So pretty, and I love the pins, too.

Wed Jul 12, 06:15:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Samantha said...

My youngest son was showing a friend your pincushion the other day and explaining how I came to have it.


Thu Jul 13, 04:47:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous kelly said...

that's gorgeous... and i just *love* the soft, sweet colors you've used there - lovely!

Thu Jul 13, 08:58:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous amy k. said...

oh!! It's so very lovely

Thu Jul 13, 03:56:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous bekka said...

there aren't enough words in the dictionary to describe how dazzling this pincushion is.

it is quite possibly the finest pincushion i've ever not-seen-in-person. stunning! remarkable! i love your attention to detail and use of color!

sigh. i think i'm in pincushion love (is that anything like muskrat love?)

Thu Jul 13, 06:48:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous gracia said...

Your chicken pin cushion is delightful... and to add further to your list of praise - I want it! I want it!
take care, gracia

Sun Jul 16, 11:37:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous kelly said...

Really charming! I love the pins too!

Mon Jul 17, 06:39:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Linda said...

I love this! The pins are amazing.

Mon Jul 17, 10:04:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Hilde C. said...

Your pincushion looks great :-)

Tue Jul 18, 02:55:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Shannon said...

This is the cutest thing ever! Where in the world did you get those lovely pins? I've never seen anything like them.

Wed Jul 26, 10:12:00 AM PDT  
Blogger tekadix said...

it looks great! I love your ideas and stuffs.

Wed Sep 02, 10:52:00 PM PDT  

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