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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Wrapping Up My Swaps

I'm trying to wrap up my swaps before the baby comes--I'm at 39 weeks tomorrow, and long overdue on a couple swaps. The most tardy one is the chicken swap with Plump Pudding, which was started way back in February. I had an irrational aversion to cooking the Fimo and Sculpey while pregnant after reading the warning label about ventilation and such. Luckily, my friend Bitter Betty cooked them for me. I know I sound a little paranoid. Bethany's husband did say, "How much can a teaspoon of Fimo off-gas?" But, don't pregnant women get to be a little wacky since all the blood has left the brain for the uterus? Now I just need to find the proper packaging for a cross-Atlantic mailing. Hang in there Samantha.

Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.
More recently, Tricia at Frizzelstix sent me a wonderful painting that she did specifically for me--truly a special treat! There are many similarities between the mini quilt I made for her and the illustration she did for me. I'll leave you with a sneak preview of her quilt. Really, I did the mushroom before I ever saw her painting.

Originally uploaded by Green Kitchen.

Tricia: Send me your snail mail address, I've got your quilt packaged up. Since I'm still Using What I Have the background thread colors are different. It was difficult for a minute to let it go and not get more thread, but my mom talked me through it and now I like it with a two-tone effect. Another valuable lesson of UWYH.


Blogger futuregirl said...

I can't wait to see the whole quilt! Your mini-preview is so lush.

Sat Apr 22, 01:47:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous rose said...

The preview is gorgeous! I love the colors.

Sun Apr 23, 04:28:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous kristin said...

oooooh!! i can't wait to see it when you're finished!!

Sun Apr 23, 08:32:00 PM PDT  
Blogger capello said...

Both the painting and the quilt are amazing!

Mon Apr 24, 12:41:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Anna said...

I LOVE it!!!!!!
I just bought a mushroom mug today at Goodwill. I will try to post it on my blog tomorrow.

Mon Apr 24, 10:00:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Gina said...

That is so super cute!

Thu May 11, 11:28:00 PM PDT  

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